Ethics of Research
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans is a joint policy of Canada's three federal research agencies. This Policy expresses the Agencies' continuing commitment to the people of Canada to promote the ethical conduct of research involving humans. It has been informed, in part, by leading international ethics norms, all of which may help, in some measure, to guide Canadian researchers, in Canada and abroad, in the conduct of research involving humans.
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

The purpose is to provide guidance to researchers on the ethical conduct of research involving Indigenous peoples. The nature and extent of community engagement in a project shall be determined jointly by the researcher and the relevant community and shall be appropriate to community characteristics and the nature of the research.
What is the Research Ethics Board?
The University of Toronto has established the Research Ethics Boards (REBs) to oversee the ethical aspects of research involving human participants. These boards ensure that research is conducted in an ethical manner and adheres to rigorous standards.
Ethics protocols are reviewed by one of the following U of T Research Ethics Boards depending on the departmental or faculty affiliation of the Principal Investigator (PI).
Health Sciences
- Medicine
- Applied Science & Engineering
- Nursing
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Social Work
- Physical Education & Health
- Dentistry
- Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Social Sciences, Humanities, Education
- Arts & Science
- Information
- Music
- Education - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- Toronto School of Theology

Suzanne StewartMuch research has already harmed Indigenous communities and land, so it’s our goal to protect autonomy and self-determination. What we are doing now is part of the start of decolonization of research ethics.